About LB Tax Services, LLC
LB Tax Services is a full-service tax office that provides tax return preparation and representation services for individuals and businesses. Clients will receive personal service from a tax expert. Peace of mind, stress reduction, and time savings are just a few of the benefits you will enjoy.
LB Tax Services was organized as a limited liability company on September 1, 2003. It is located in the heart of Tucson, AZ with a primary service of tax preparation. Representation services for inquiries and audits from the Internal Revenue Service and any state's Department of Revenue remains the secondary business focus.
Lance Bonlender, EA, owner of LB Tax Services, LLC, has 25 years of tax preparation experience. He passed the Special Enrollment Exam in September 2003 and was awarded the Enrolled Agent credential in April 2004. Licensed by the Department of the Treasury, an Enrolled Agent equates to an attorney or a CPA in regards to privilege to represent clients before all administrative levels of the Internal Revenue Service. Lance's education also includes an Associates Degree in Accounting and a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration.
As an EA, Lance is required to abide by the Standards of Ethical Conduct as published in U.S. Treasury Department Circular 230. The decision to be an ethical tax professional lets clients know he will stand behind his work. Lance will not jeopardize the credential he has worked hard to achieve, nor will he ever jeopardize the trust his clients have put in him and LB Tax Services to provide the best service possible.
A strong referral-based advertising program is key to the success of LB Tax Services. Our philosophy is simple: Provide clients with a quality service for a fair price and they will tell their family and friends.